Architectural scale model | Display suite apartments
Architectural scale model | Display suite apartments
An Architectural model for the first apartment tower for the Waterbank project by Lendlease at 1:100 scale. This model is predominantly lasercut acrylic and includes an iPad integrated lighting system to showcase different apartment types. Users can select a group of apartments - eg all 2 bedroom apartments or a single apartment on the ipad which then lights up on the model.
This greatly aids the sales process, particularly where there is a tower involved or a large number of apartments.
The overall vision for Waterbank was to create a new precinct that would function as a social place reflecting the cosmopolitan Perth of today. Relaxed, accessible, tactile and distinctly Western Australian in its design and identity, Waterbank balances its urban character with a strong connection to nature. The scale model reflected this vision with attention to the detail of the key design elements and we worked in collaboration with the client and their design team to get the look they needed to convey in the sales suite.